
Healthy Snack Alternatives from Denise Austin

Healthy Snack Attacks!

Is midday or late-night munching sabotaging your Eat Right! plan? Snacking itself isn't bad — people often comment that I'm constantly nibbling! It's all about smart snacking choices. See how these common snacks stack up to their healthier alternatives:

  • Instead of one scoop of ice cream, have 15 frozen grapes or one small frozen banana. You'll save 150 calories and 11 grams of fat while satisfying your craving for something sweet!
  • Instead of a handful of potato chips, reach for one cup of peeled baby carrots or celery sticks. You'll satisfy your urge to crunch and save 125 calories and 19 fat grams!
  • Instead of butter-lovers' microwave popcorn, have 3.5 cups of air-popped popcorn. You'll save 125 calories and 14 grams of fat!
  • Instead of a candy bar, have a chocolate frozen yogurt bar. You'll save 150 calories and 11 grams of fat!