
Blogging eCourse assignment 1

Here are five goals for this blog to accomplish over the next 30 day's.
  1. Work on layout
  2. Transfer health related posts from 360 to this blog
  3. Build my link list
  4. Find all of my diet pics and sprinkle them in with transfered health posts
  5. Compile a list of my resources here at home and add them to my blog for a reference list
My 6 month goals are:
  1. Actively spread the word
  2. Continue to look for local and national relevant material to blog on
  3. Get people who are local to notice and comment on my blog.
  4. Look for health related widgets or modules to add
  5. Survey consistent readers as to usefulness, their perceptions of how informative I am and so forth at a 3 month period and at the 6 month mark to evaluate any needed changes.
This sounds cliche' but I want my blog to represent trustworthy information. I want people to feel they have a true friend in their weight loss wellness battles. I also feel that through my blog people will see that i am a human being behind the screen instead of some faceless entity that puts together the sites that they visit. I am also hoping that people who are in my profession come and offer their help in the way of doing guest interviews or posts, offering their resources in whatever form they have at their disposal. I am not great at public speaking but I would love to participate in conferences and other events related to my blogs target audience and even some general web or internet conferences.

Ultimately it is all about reaching customers and getting out there and walking the talk for me. In terms of long term success I would like to still be blogging three years or even ten years from now, even amid whatever changes there are on the horizon for the internet,social marketing, and web 2.0 as we know it today.