From: Real Muscle Online
I read this tonight and I got to thinking how well do I warm up before I do anything strenuous. At the Student Recreation and Wellness Center SRWC for short they have stretching machines from Precore fitness equipment. They take you through 7 stretches to target the key areas that are normally worked during a workout. When I am not in pain or groggy from my meds I do make it to the gym, I mean it is included in my tuition under activity fee so I pay to workout anyway.
Ok getting back on track. I do the stretching machines paying special attention and time to really stretch my shoulders and upper body as that is where a majority of my muscle tightness is due to my complicated musculoskelatel issues from a chronic problem stemming from an injury over four years ago. Then I hit the treadmill and finish warming up my lower body by doing an intense 20 to 30 minute cardio routine. After both upper body and lower body are warmed up then I start on my weight routine. That takes about 45 min to go through cause I work out slow especially for my upper body workouts.
For me it is critical to be thoroughly warmed up so I don't further injure what is already injured and injure what isn't.
I do not do much working out at the moment but plan on trying to get back on the workout wagon as soon as the new medicine I am on starts showing some results and relief. It is important for me to practice what I preach and to walk my talk.
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