And the good news is that in a pinch, you can head to the drive-thru without derailing your weight loss efforts! Here's how:
- Stay on the healthy side: Many fast-food restaurants now offer side salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, fruit parfaits, and low-fat toppings. Make sure you take advantage of these options!
- Grilled, not fried: There's a big difference in fat and calories between a deep-fried chicken sandwich and one made with a skinless grilled chicken breast. Go grilled!
- Get it on the side: Ask for sandwiches without such condiments as mayo and secret sauce. Instead, ask for a packet of mustard, low-fat mayo, or ketchup and add it yourself.
- Skip the extra cheese: An ounce of cheese can add 10 grams of fat. You don't need it!
- Watch out for salads: Some salads aren't so good for you — especially when they're topped with cheese, fried chicken strips, bacon, and creamy dressings! Keep it simple — stick to a green salad with low-calorie dressing.
- Practice portion control: Resist the urge to upsize for a few cents more. It's just extra calories — and that's no bargain!
- Have water or iced tea: They're free of calories — unlike soda. And they're not loaded with artificial chemicals — like diet drinks.
- Ask for a calorie guide: It's easier to make good choices when you see everything in print.