Teenagers and dieting are not a good pair, according to a recent study that followed the eating habits of more than 2,500 teens over a period of several years. Researchers from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis found not only that teens who dieted were more likely to try unhealthy tactics to drop pounds quickly, but also that they were far more likely to be heavier five years later than those who didn't diet! What's worse, their risk of developing a lifelong eating disorder like bulimia or anorexia was six times higher than that of the kids who didn't diet!
Health professionals have long said that putting a child or a teen on a diet is a bad idea. So how can you help your child deal with a weight issue? Start with a trip to your doctor, they say. Together you can develop a healthy — and long-term — plan of attack. As this study clearly shows, unhealthy eating habits can start young, and can haunt your child for years to come. So keep your teen off the fad-diet roller coaster, and teach him or her how to eat smart for life!
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